Recent content by apollo1403

  1. apollo1403

    DC Area June 1st Rally

    Yes, thank you @stealth and Lucid, nicely done. And while we wait for the official photos...
  2. apollo1403

    DC Area June 1st Rally

    That worked. Thanks. Loving the route as goes by my place on the way back. We may actually need the bio break after the winery and the drive from Bluemont. Looking forward to the drive.
  3. apollo1403

    DC Area June 1st Rally

    The route overview link isn't working for me on my mobile, but sounds like it will take us right by my house. I will make sure it's accessible for a coffee or bio break!
  4. apollo1403

    DMV Lucid Owners

    This is at the Service Center and not at the Showroom, right?
  5. apollo1403

    DMV Lucid Owners

    I am planning on showing up. Thanks for arranging it.
  6. apollo1403

    Tesla to Lucid - Hello from DC

    Congrats on the car and the deal!
  7. apollo1403

    DMV Lucid Owners

    Good to meet you all. There were a lot of cool cars there, and it was nice to know we can outrun most of them, go further without charging/refueling, sit in luxurious surroundings and look damn good doing it all! 🙂 April 28th works fine.
  8. apollo1403

    DMV Lucid Owners

    I live out that way and Snickersville Turnpike on the way to Bear Chase Brewery is my go-to drive when the weather cooperates. Taking 601 south to Rt 50 from Bluemont is also a nice mountain drive. I am up for the drive you suggest, but I suspect if most people live closer in towards DC, getting...
  9. apollo1403

    DMV Lucid Owners

    Same here, any Saturday in Mar is good except for the 2nd.
  10. apollo1403

    DMV Lucid Owners

    Yes, took mine in to a local shop that does inspections.
  11. apollo1403

    DMV Lucid Owners

    I am in also!
  12. apollo1403

    New Member in Virginia

    Congrats! Lucy looks great! I am in NOVA also and taking my chances with not having the front plate. Been lucky for almost a year without them, but just couldn't bring myself to have holes there, template or no template.
  13. apollo1403

    First time free juice at the mall with Volta

    Here is more of that ad revenue featuring a DE
  14. apollo1403

    19 Inch Wheels and Tires for Sale

    Definitely interested, but unfortunately not local to Boca.
  15. apollo1403

    Advice please for used AGT

    I had similar concerns before getting my AGT and wavered more than once with the dealer. At the end of the day, I just wanted to make sure that the warranty transfers over so if there are unknown issues, I can take it to Lucid to get them resolved. It does take a few days for the ownership to...