Recent content by idiot900

  1. idiot900

    Homelink Software Update

    "Yet"? As opposed to a flat out denial? That's news in itself...
  2. idiot900

    Lucid OTA update 2.2.2

    This type of thing happens rarely to me. An Air logo reset fixes it for me. Ideally it wouldn’t happen at all of course.
  3. idiot900

    Lucid OTA update 2.2.2

    This sort of thing was an issue with previous versions. The repeated update shouldn’t hurt anything and would only take a short time anyway. I’d just let the service center know at some point and let them deal with it.
  4. idiot900

    Lucid OTA update 2.2.2

    Have you contacted service? This is completely not my experience at all, so I wonder whether there is some hardware problem either with your phone or car.
  5. idiot900

    Aston Martin and Lucid

    Given a choice in this large purchase between something known to work and something that probably works, but you might be stranded if the chargers don’t work, a hybrid is the obvious default for most people. Now if EA had started out rock solid reliable, and free charging were limited to say...
  6. idiot900

    RESOLVED High pitch beeping sound from near drivers door

    Total speculation: The PWM frequency can be set/synchronized in software, and they fixed some issue where the PWMs for the different screens were out of sync. I've noticed the brightness modulation upon ambient lighting changes seems a lot less aggressive as well, which is another welcome change.
  7. idiot900

    Phone left in car

    Glad it worked out! Keyless entry systems in general have always been able to detect whether the key is inside the car and prevent you being locked out. I'm impressed in this day and age you didn't know your phone was not with you for at least two hours 🤯
  8. idiot900

    RESOLVED High pitch beeping sound from near drivers door

    With firmware 2.2.2 on my car it seems to me that this presumed PWM noise is all but gone! Whereas before it was plainly audible in every Lucid I'd sat in (including @RM-S8's shiny new Sapphire) on my car now I can't even tell if it exists. This was my last remaining real complaint about the...
  9. idiot900

    RESOLVED USB shuffle?

    M3U or PLS format playlist support would go a long way here - you could assemble a playlist on a real computer and bring to the car. But given how few users there are that would actually use this functionality I can respect an argument that it's not worth the engineer time to implement. It's a...
  10. idiot900

    Lucid OTA update 2.2.2

    Were the release notes any different to 2.2.2?
  11. idiot900

    Real world range touring 19 inch wheels

    Impressive! Never gotten that...were you going downhill overall? :)
  12. idiot900

    Real world range touring 19 inch wheels

    To the original poster, since there is a lot of variability in freeway speeds...for some that's 65 mph and for others 85 mph+... there is a substantial difference in efficiency.
  13. idiot900

    Real world range touring 19 inch wheels

    In good weather and at reasonable speeds, I've been getting 4 miles/kWh with my Touring and 19 inch wheels, so theoretically about 350 miles on a full charge, if I actually used the full charge. However there is very large variability depending on conditions or driving style (as in any vehicle...
  14. idiot900

    Per the New York Times, Lucid owners are “tedious rich people”

    “Media Outlet Sensationalizes to Drive Readership” - news at 11. Happens as much with publications whose views I agree with as ones I don’t IMHO.
  15. idiot900

    Lucid app update v1.49.0

    iPhone 14 Pro. It does work perfectly smoothly for an arbitrary time before degrading.