Tesla lays off Supercharger team

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Jan 4, 2022
Santa Clarita, CA
2023 Lucid Air GT
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Just as NACS starts to roll out lord Elon lays off 500 team members in the Supercharger team including its VP……. Oh boy

Not good for all EVs just as everyone adopts the Tesla standard.
Just as NACS starts to roll out lord Elon lays off 500 team members in the Supercharger team including its VP……. Oh boy

Well, GM and Ford started it, they panicked and signed with Tesla, sold their EV soul away. Never good when the entire charging infrastructure is in one man’s hand.

Peter was right, this was a knee jerk reaction. This puts all the manufacturers in a bind, do they continue to go NACS and live or die by Elon Musk who is not to be trusted!
It's hard to imagine the thinking behind the move.
It's hard to imagine the thinking behind the move.
Get everyone to bend the knee, stab them in the back. Seems on brand to me.
So what now?? Can the industry go back to J1772?
So what now?? Can the industry go back to J1772?
Who knows, there may be some unbeknownst method to the madness BUT If I was any automaker that had switched to NACS i'd be contacting Tesla with a "wtf have you done" right now. It's too big of an issue for automakers outside Tesla to not say anything. I thought it was going to play out like this

1) Automakers would adopt NACS
2) The honeymoon period was going to be all rainbows and unicorns
3) Musk then f*s everyone over with some drastic change
4) Everyone screams Tesla has a monopoly and are beholden to 1 man
5) Government steps in and forces the network to be sold off \ separated from Tesla

Seems Musk couldn't even wait for step 1 to be complete. Maybe the PIF should hire the entire team and just like they did with Lucid stick the knife into Elon's back and build/fund a charging network across the US under a "Lucid Energy" brand 😂
You know, there are times I really wish I had been wrong. This is one of them.

I look forward to everyone’s apologies about how well this rollout is going to go.

This will be my only “I told you so.” Have a wonderful week. :)
I thought that drug testing was mandatory at most companies. It’s obvious that Elmo is on some thing. The funny thing is, many peoples justification for purchasing a Tesla is the perceived number and reliability of Superchargers. This is probably Tesla‘s largest selling point.
Gotta pay for that $56 billion salary that he plans to give himself (oops I mean his board) when he incorporates in Texas. Please explain how he and his board are protecting the company and shareholders? Well at least Ken Paxton will get a little something, I'm sure.
The signs of this first started with their not putting 1000v cabinets in their V4 chargers... I was at first fine with Lucid putting in NACS, but ever since the start of 2024 I've been slowly doubting Tesla and saw the pathetic speeds we would get without 1000v. Way to screw over the whole damn industry, I guess.
"move fast and break things"
There’s nothing wrong with that philosophy. I actually tend to mostly follow it in the things I build as well. There are two corollaries people often don’t mention, though:

1) make something people want, and,
2) don’t burn it all to the ground unless absolutely necessary.

“Break stuff” doesn’t mean “in ways that are irrecoverable or stupid”

The only possible explanation for why this is a good thing is if, for some reason, Elon decided that the current team could never build out 1000V charging cabinets because of “reasons,” and that rebuilding from scratch was better.

I would bet thousands of dollars that’s not it though.
The signs of this first started with their not putting 1000v cabinets in their V4 chargers... I was at first fine with Lucid putting in NACS, but ever since the start of 2024 I've been slowly doubting Tesla and saw the pathetic speeds we would get without 1000v. Way to screw over the whole damn industry, I guess.
Maybe he needs the cash to build his 0-60 in <1s roadster; that’s surely coming, right?

Or maybe it’s the warranty claims for all the cybertruck damage?

Or maybe he got high and accidentally hit send on a draft email while chuckling maniacally because, well…

I gather than Elon figures he can make more money licensing NACS tech than he would by actually installing NACS chargers. What a disaster for everyone who bailed on CCS.
I gather than Elon figures he can make more money licensing NACS tech than he would by actually installing NACS chargers. What a disaster for everyone who bailed on CCS.
NACS is an open standard now for everyone to use. Tesla makes nothing off it as it's not licensed. Where they were going to make the money was funneling everyone to the Superchargers and basically charging whatever they wanted for a reliable experience. With the largest charging network in the US it was going to be a cash cow for them.
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