Search results

  1. D

    Weak Remote

    Has anyone else noticed that the Homelink remote is pretty weak? I have to get way closer than even my small handheld. And I suppose that this is not something that can be fixed with software, but is a hardware issue.
  2. D

    Best charging strategy

    I understand that the recommendation is to keep the battery between 20% and 80%. I don't drive a lot, so I only need to charge every week, but other people just plug it in every night. In the old days, the recharge cycles was what "wore out" a battery. So, my question is this, is it better...
  3. D

    RESOLVED Android app GPS send to vehicle doesn't do anything

    I use the Lucid app on Android to load a location and then use send to vehicle. But when I get in the vehicle and select the GPS the route isn't shown. Is there a trick here?
  4. D

    Data from Lucid Charging Station

    I have the Lucid Charging station and wondered if there was any data available. I'm thinking about getting solar panels and would like to know how many kWh the charging station is using when I charge the car.
  5. D

    Can you tell the start / stop times of charging when you have it charging overnight

    I charge my Lucid overnight, and would like to know how long it takes. Is there a way to access this information?
  6. D

    Not connecting to home internet

    What is the downside of not connecting the car to your home internet ? When I first pull out of the garage alexa tells me it can't connect to the internet, so it can't run my close garage routine, but after I've pulled away from the house then it can connect and it works.
  7. D

    RESOLVED Changed home location but homelink didn't notice

    I decided to set my home address to the first house in my neighborhood, so I could get the homelink screen when I approach the gate. I changed the address, but homelink didn't seem to notice. It doesn't open at the gate, but still does at my house. I did the Air logo reset, then tried...
  8. D

    DD, HA doesn't turn on when on the freeway.

    I have plain DD (nor premium or pro) and while I can get adaptive cruise control working, when it's enabled, and I'm on the freeway, no matter how long I hold down the DD button, HA never comes on. At least I don't think it does. Is the Adaptive Cruise Control message supposed to change when...
  9. D

    Takes a long time to connect to android phone music

    I have a Oneplus 9 Android phone, and I use an app (Smart Audio) to listen to a book in the car. It takes a long time (maybe a minute) before the book starts. But it does eventually, so there isn't an issue with getting connected. Anyone else experience anything like this?
  10. D

    RESOLVED Set adaptive cruise control to current speed

    I'm hoping this is just something I missed. My last car had a set button for cruise control that would set the speed to the current speed, which was really handy. Is there someway to do this with Lucid?
  11. D

    How to message someone

    I am a new lucid owner, so new to this forum. In reading the mega-poll thread, it says to message a moderator to get something added, but I don't see a way to do that. How can I.