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    Lucid OTA update 2.2.2

    If anyone from Lucid is here, y’all should consider some kind of insider program so you can beta test these updates more thoroughly. There are way too many bugs in this release. The play / pause on steroids bug hits me almost every day now. I cannot reliably play music in this car through any...
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    Review of sapphire by MKB

    Yea but didn’t they test this out before locking themselves into a massive contract? It’s just a huge miss no matter how you slice it. The design is terrible, usability terrible, and functionally it does not work well at all.
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    Review of sapphire by MKB

    Can you elaborate more here on what the specific challenges are? It’s really hard to imagine a worse fob design than what we have right now.
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    Gravity - May 30 - June 16 - Pasadena, CA

    Will this be a service center too or just a studio?
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    Suddenly, the radio starts playing!

    This happened to me too just now.
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    Lucid OTA update 2.2.2

    another bug happened to me today. Randomly the radio started playing and I was getting two sources of audio. Could not figure out how to stop it. Had to do a full reboot to fix.
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    Spotify app can’t access my liked songs?

    Been encountering a weird bug where the internal Spotify app is unable to show my liked songs in my library. It just returns no results every time. Anyone else seeing this issue?
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    Lucid OTA update 2.2.2

    I am also getting weird stuttering behavior from CarPlay now when playing music. Spotify and Apple Music both rapidly pause and unpause the track I’m trying to play. Never seen this before. And yes, I’ve rebooted the car and also deleted and repaired my phone just to be sure. Is it too much...
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    [RESOLVED] Does your front footwell woofer work properly?

    Just finished the install. Took about 5-10 mins. Would have gone faster if I had another person to hold the carpet for me while I put the tape in. And the verdict… more bottoming out bass and thwomping noises! Nice and clean, how it should be. Now is the bass perfect? No, imo it’s still a...
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    [RESOLVED] Does your front footwell woofer work properly?

    I have this same issue on a brand new 2024 Touring. Sounds like the woofer is bottoming out. Nowhere near as bad as Bobby’s but annoying enough for me to get this fixed. Went to Lowe’s and got the butyl tape. Will update you all on how the fix goes, it seems relatively straightforward in my...
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    Excessively long boot up times

    Got my car back from the service center. They had to replace the entire CCC unit. Everything boots up instantly now!
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    Lucid OTA update 2.2.2

    I’m also seeing a weird issue where the doors are all unlocked but the front door won’t open. Was able to resolve it by locking the car again and unlocking it. I’m not sure how it got into this state and if it’s related to the key fob. Haven’t seen it happen yet with just the mobile key.
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    [RESOLVED] Does your front footwell woofer work properly?

    What should I say to the service rep to get this fixed?
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    [RESOLVED] Does your front footwell woofer work properly?

    Is this issue fixed on newer ‘24 builds?
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    Excessively long boot up times

    That's so frustrating. I haven't had the car unlock issues, it's certainly no worse than my Tesla in this regard, but the long bootup times have made this car almost unusable for quick errands. Which sucks because I really love everything else about it. Hoping that it will be a quick fix at my...
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    Car Software Update cadence

    1. When going from reverse to drive, immediately turn off camera view. It’s so annoying that I have to drive to X mph for it to turn off. 2. Better usage of screens, eg CarPlay on pilot, navigation up top. 3. CarPlay that consistently works. 4. When reversing show clear lines of my car, not...
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    Excessively long boot up times

    I made a service appointment. They are likely going to swap the CCD. Is your car new?
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    Car Software Update cadence

    Our Lucid software is the biggest Achilles heel of the car. This is absolutely where the company needs to invest right now.
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    Excessively long boot up times

    The service center is going to take a closer look. Likely going to have to replace the CCD.
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    Excessively long boot up times

    What’s the best way to reach customer service? Email?